• E. Georgiou, G. Paraskevopoulos, J. Gibson, A. Potamianos, and S. Narayanan, “Deep hierarchical fusion for machine intelligence applications,” in U.S. Patent No. 11,862,145 awarded to Behavioral Signal Technologies, Inc., Jan. 2024.





















  • A. Pargellis, E. Fosler-Lussier, C.-H. Lee, A. Potamianos, and A. Tsai, "Auto-induced semantic classes,'' Speech Communication, vol. 43, pp. 183-203, Aug. 2004.

  • V. Weerackody, W. Reichl and A. Potamianos, "Soft feature decoding in a distributed automatic speech recognition system for use over wireless channels," U.S. Patent No. 6,760,699, awarded to Lucent Technologies, 2004.





  • M. Walker et al, "DARPA Communicator evaluation: Progress from 2000 to 2001,'' in Internat. Conf. Speech Language Processing, Colorado, Sept. 2002.

  • M. Walker et al, "DARPA Communicator dialog travel planning systems: the June 2000 evaluation,'' in Proc. European Conf. on Speech Communication and Technology, Aalborg, Denmark, Oct. 2001.

  • A. Pargellis and A. Potamianos, "Cross-domain classification using generalized domain acts ,'' in Internat. Conf. Speech Language Processing, Beijing, China, Oct. 2000.

  • A. Potamianos, E. Ammicht, and H.-K. Kuo, "Dialogue management in the Bell Labs communicator system ,'' in Internat. Conf. Speech Language Processing, Beijing, China, Oct. 2000.

  • A. Potamianos and H.-K. Kuo, "Speech understanding using finite state transducers ,'' in Internat. Conf. Speech Language Processing, Beijing, China, Oct. 2000.

  • W. Reichl, V. Weerackody, and A. Potamianos, "A codec for speech recognition in a wireless system,'' in Proc. EUROCOMM, Munich, Germany, May 2000.

  • I. Zeljkovic, S. Narayanan, and A. Potamianos, "Unsupervised HMM adaptation based on speech-silence discrimination," U.S. Patent No 6076057, awarded to AT&T, 2000.


  • A. Potamianos and P. Maragos, "Speech analysis and synthesis using an AM-FM modulation model ,'' Speech Communication, vol. 28, pp. 195-209, July 1999.

  • S. Lee, A. Potamianos, and S. Narayanan, "Acoustics of children's speech: Developmental changes of temporal and spectral parameters ,'' Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, pp. 1455-1468, Mar. 1999. [Selected Research Article by JASA]

  • P.Maragos and A. Potamianos, "Fractal dimensions of speech sounds: Computation and application to automatic speech recognition ,'' Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, pp. 1925-1932, Mar. 1999.

  • A. Potamianos and P. Maragos, "Time-frequency distributions for automatic speech recognition ,'' in Proc. Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, Keystone, Colorado, Dec. 1999.

  • S. Narayanan, A. Potamianos, and H. Wang, "Multimodal systems for children: Building a prototype,'' in Proc. European Conf. on Speech Communication and Technology, Budapest, Hungary, Sept. 1999.

  • G. Potamianos and A. Potamianos, "Speaker adaptation for audio-visual speech recognition,'' in Proc. European Conf. on Speech Communication and Technology, Budapest, Hungary, Sept. 1999.

  • A. Potamianos, G. Riccardi, and S. Narayanan, "Categorical understanding using statistical n-gram models,'' in Proc. European Conf. on Speech Communication and Technology, Budapest, Hungary, Sept. 1999.

  • A. Potamianos et al, "Design principles and tools for multimodal dialog systems ,'' in Proc. ESCA Workshop Interact. Dialog. Multi-Modal Syst., Kloster Irsee, Germany, June 1999.

  • A. Potamianos and R. C. Rose, "Combining Frequency Warping And Spectral Shaping In HMM Based Speech Recognition," U.S. Patent No 5930753, awarded to AT&T, 1999.



  • S. Lee, A. Potamianos, and S. Narayanan, "Analysis of children's speech: Duration, pitch and formants,'' in Proc. European Conf. on Speech Communication and Technology, Rhodes, Greece, pp. 473-476, Sept. 1997.

  • P. Maragos and A. Potamianos, "On using fractal features of speech sounds in automatic speech recognition,'' in Proc. European Conf. on Speech Communication and Technology, Rhodes, Greece, pp. 2531-2534, Sept. 1997.

  • A. Potamianos and P. Maragos, "Speech analysis and synthesis using an AM-FM modulation model,'' in Proc. European Conf. on Speech Communication and Technology, Rhodes, Greece, pp. 1355-1358, Sept. 1997.

  • A. Potamianos, S. Narayanan, and S. Lee, "Automatic speech recognition for children,'' in Proc. European Conf. on Speech Communication and Technology, Rhodes, Greece, pp. 2371-2374, Sept. 1997.

  • I. Zeljkovic, S. Narayanan, and A. Potamianos, "Unsupervised HMM adaptation based on speech-silence discrimination,'' in Proc. European Conf. on Speech Communication and Technology, Rhodes, Greece, pp. 2055-2058, Sept. 1997.

  • A. Potamianos and R. C. Rose, "On combining frequency warping and spectral shaping in HMM-based speech recognition ,'' in Proc. Internat. Conf. on Acoust., Speech, and Signal Process., Munich, Germany, Apr. 1997.

  • R. C. Rose and A. Potamianos, "Improving robustness in HMM based speech recognition through simultaneous frequency warping and spectral shaping,'' in ESCA-NATO Workshop on Robust Speech Recognition, Pont-a-Mousson, France, Apr. 1997.





  • H. M. Hanson, P. Maragos, and A. Potamianos, "Finding speech formants and modulations via energy separation: With application to a vocoder,'' in Proc. Internat. Conf. on Acoust., Speech, and Signal Process., Minneapolis, MN, Apr. 1993.


  • J. Diamesis and A. Potamianos, "Tridiagonal state-space realization of a class of 2-D transfer functions,'' in Proc. of the 25th Conf. on Information Sciences and Systems, Baltimore, MD, pp. 249-253, Mar. 1991.